Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Riding in Style

Project 365 - March 10

Despite the look of chagrin on his face and the lack of elbow room, Jed still enjoys the ride. I'm trying to learn to do the same.


Azlina Abdul said...

Oh my goodness!!! Such a cute grocery trolley! Never seen anything like it before hehehe! I am loving this blog already...your stories are so interesting for me to read!

Grace to You said...

Maybe you can start a new trend in Malaysia with cute grocery carts! :)

I'm so glad you're enjoying reading my piddly little things...I'm loving writing them, even if they don't amount to much.

And taking pictures every day is making me look for interesting things, which has been great fun.

Azlina Abdul said...

Actually, come to think of it, there is something similar to this trolley over here in Malaysia, but I've never seen like the one Jed is on....it's so much bigger! Much better in design as well...:) If I see one like I mentioned, I will take a photo of it to show you what it's like here in Malaysia hehehe!

Grace to You said...

That would be great! But if you discover that you feel too strange taking a picture in the grocery store, I'll understand. :) One thing I've noticed since starting the Project 365 is that I'm taking pictures in places I never would have before...and feeling a little strange sometimes. lol