Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018

My two favorite birthday gifts this year....
snow from God...

...and this card from Jed.
He wrote it the way he was instructed to write his opening statement for the prosecution,
which we both thought was bogus at the time,
but is hilarious now.  :)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19, 2018

 The big day!!

 Judge Hagerty with Jed's class.

Judge Hagerty debriefing Jed's class/team as well as the opposing team.
Jed's class won one of the verdicts, and the overall points.
This experience has taught Jed one really big lesson - 
 that he never wants to see the inside of a courtroom again for the rest of his life.  :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

Jed's homeschool class, after a practice mock trial with another homeschool class.
The real thing is tomorrow!
It is so much work - 
there are essentially two trials, as each class/team acts as the prosecution in one trial and the defense in the other.
Jed's team won both of the verdicts and the overall points, 
which are awarded for their performance, regardless of the verdict.
It is gratifying that they did well, as we have done nothing but mock trial prep for two weeks now.

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2018

 This is what we've been doing - and ALL we've been doing - the past week and a half - 
mock trial practice.

We'll all be glad when this is over!

Thursday, April 05, 2018

April 5, 2018

Jed's homeschool class has been preparing for a mock trial. 
in a real federal courthouse with a real federal judge, later this month,
so his class (along with some other similar classes in the region) met with the judge today in the courtroom 
for instructions on judicial proceedings.
The judge took us back into his chambers afterwards for further discussion and instructions and pictures.
The kids are all smiles in the picture, 
but they were all thinking the same thing all us moms were thinking - 
there is no way the kids are ready for this in two weeks!
This judge is intense, 
and it seems he expects the kids to know what real prosecutors 
and defense attorneys 
and witnesses 
and defendants 
do in a courtroom,
including courtroom protocol and procedures.
We have a lot of work to do. :(

Sunday, April 01, 2018

April 1, 2018

 Happy Easter!

 Jed looking a little stiff in his new suit.  :)

 That's more like it.  :)