Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020

Jed throws his dirty clothes over the railing down to me
on laundry days.
This morning a pair of his shorts managed to get hung on something sticking out.
He was pretty amused and
inexplicably impressed with himself.  :)

Monday, June 29, 2020

June 29, 2020 - Part 2

Jed and I took a drive this morning...
his longest drive-time on the highway so far.
It was exhausting for both of us. :)
But the clouds were incredible!

June 29, 2020 - Part 1

I've always been a morning person,
but I'm not quite as alert in the mornings now as I used to be.
So this morning when I wandered out into the livingroom 
and saw the windows looking like this,
for a moment I thought someone had put a film on the windows 
inside the black lines
without me noticing it.
Then I woke up a little and looked more closely
and finally realized it was the AC fogging the windows.  :)
Summer in the South, y'all.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

June 28, 2020 - Part 3

 Pretty foliage too.

June 28, 2020 - Part 2

 Pretty clouds this afternoon.

June 28, 2020 - Part 1

 I'm starting to look forward to Sunday afternoons in the hammock while Tracy reads to me.

Except today was so warm and breezy I think I may have missed a bit of the reading.  :)

Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 27, 2020

I've been out early 5 days in a row this week,
coming back home around 9:00.
The light is pretty that time of day,
and it makes the mountains in the background pop
when I come into our neighborhood.
It makes me sad we're not closer to them, like we were in Colorado...
but look at all those trees! 
You sure don't see that in the Centennial State.

Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020

 Our little friend was back today.

Up to his old tricks...
licking our stone.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25, 2020

It was Tracy's car's turn for an oil change and inspection today.
The oil change place was even more awesome today than they were yesterday!
Tracy bought this car a couple of years ago, in Colorado,
and has never liked the tinting on the front windows.
It was hard to see out of, especially at night.
Well, it turns out, tinting on the front windows is illegal in North Carolina.
The guy who told me the car wouldn't pass inspection because of it
recommended a place nearby that would remove the tinting.
I tried to call them but they weren't open yet.
I was the only customer at the oil change place
and the most amazing thing happened...
the guy offered to take the tinting off himself
so the car would pass inspection and 
I wouldn't have to take the car somewhere else
and then come back for the inspection.
He warned me, though, that there would be lots of glue left on the windows.
I told him we have Goo Gone and a straight edge and we'd be fine.
Well, we have Goo Gone, but we don't have a straight edge.
I must have discarded it when we moved last summer.
I think the blade had rusted, if I remember correctly.
We did all the same cleaning on this car that we did on the other one yesterday,
but almost double that amount of time was consumed trying to remove the glue
that covered both front windows.
It was exhausting.
But it was worth it for the one Hershey's Nugget Tracy gave me tonight.
(I took this picture because before,
you wouldn't have been able to see Jed at all
through the tint on the driver's side window.)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020

I was at an oil change place this morning as soon as it opened,
and got the fastest oil change and vehicle inspection of all time!
As an added bonus, 
no one came to me holding an air filter
or an oil filter
or any other unknown-to-me car part
and trying to sell me a replacement - 
that's huge!
As if all that wasn't enough,
I also got a free car wash to boot!
It was a good one too, where a person gives the car a good scrubbing first
before sending it through the automatic wash.
The automatic wash is where I ran into trouble.
Water started pouring down from the roof,
onto the passenger seat
and onto my lap.
I was so flabbergasted I just let it pour.
I had no towels in the car -
what else could I do?
It turned into a good thing, though,
as it precipitated me getting out all the car cleaning products I bought 2 years ago
and finally using them, with Jed's help.
washed windows
cleaned upholstery
sprayed tires
moisturized plastic molding.
That last part was my favorite - 
it's amazing how much better the rear bumper looks!!
The whole car looks great,
and Jed's help almost makes up for him not completely closing the moon roof
the last time he was messing with it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23, 2020

Guess what I did today.
I used to love cleaning...I wish I still did.
I do love when it's over and my house is clean.  :)

See that little door at the bottom of the cabinet above?
I thought it was a drawer when we first got to this house,
but it's a pull down door,
and there's one under each cabinet in the laundry room.
It's such a nice feature.
So are cabinets in laundry rooms!!
One advantage of moving as often as we have 
is that I've seen a lot of neat features in different houses.
If I was ever to build a house,
it would be fun trying to remember all the things I liked.  :)

Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020

This is a terrible picture,
but I was using the exercise machine when I took it.
I try to vary my hand position,
to help keep boredom at bay
(at least somewhat).
I've found using it hands-free helps with my balance.
It's hard to believe I used to be a gymnast,
and even harder to believe the balance beam was my favorite apparatus.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 21, 2020

The first person I know (sort of) in our area
that has contracted the coronavirus.
Dale lives a few doors down from us,
though I've never met him.
I've heard he's not home much, 
and I've never actually even seen him.
Still, it makes all this a little more real to me.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

June 20, 2020

I continue to have computer problems.

Friday, June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020 - Part 2

 Those clouds gave us a downpour this afternoon.
This afternoon Jed went for a walk with his dad
and took these pics of huge drops of water on scattered leaves.

He has a good eye!

June 19, 2020 - Part 1

The clouds were incredible today.

As Jed was driving us down the road,
this was the view out my passenger side window...

...and this was the view out Jed's driver's side window,
only way more so than I captured here.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18, 2020

Anyone else tried this?
I thought it might be a good substitute for homemade guacamole, 
but it's got jalapenos
and that's too hot for me!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020

We tried playing Bananagrams differently....
we split up all the tiles at the beginning of the game
and used them all at the same time.
It was fun to see what we could come up with,
with 72 tiles to choose from.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020

Another happy rainy day.

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020

I can hardly believe this is June-15-in-North-Carolina weather!!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020

The babies are starting to look more like adults now.
Only there's one missing.
I was hoping he had just wandered off and would rejoin the family in a moment,
but I watched them for 20 minutes and he never showed up.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 13, 2020

One more favorite blanket.

Friday, June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020

Another favorite blanket.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

Close-up of a favorite blanket.
I love the batik look of this.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020

Nice heavy rain this afternoon.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

June 9, 2020

I was so happy to find this colorful hand towel!

Monday, June 08, 2020

June 8, 2020 - Part 3

 Heading back out to sea.

June 8, 2020 - Part 2

 Heading inland.