Sunday, January 10, 2010

Guess Who? Staley Style

Project 365 - January 10

One of Tracy's sisters had a most excellent idea. Brilliant, really.

Since Jed has not had much opportunity to get to know his dad's family, Angel bought the game Guess Who? and added pictures of all Jed's aunts, uncles and cousins.

Instead of making guesses based on the physical characteristics of the original cards, we're asking questions designed to help Jed learn who these people are.

And in the process we're learning a bit more ourselves. Tracy has been entertaining us with stories of his siblings, and I've been bringing him up to date on the ages of his nieces and nephews, since they're not still the little kids he remembers them being.

A perfect gift for a long-distance cousin.

Maybe someday he won't be.

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