Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Good Old Days

Project 365 - August 10

I was sitting near an open window when I heard strange music outside.

At first I thought it was someone at the little beach behind the house, but the music sounded too goofy for someone to actually be listening to.

That's when the amazing realization hit me - it was an ice cream truck!!

I was immediately transported back to my childhood, in memory and, most importantly, in action. I did the only reasonable thing to do when one hears the music of an ice cream truck...I started squealing, running through the house for the front door and yelling for money. Not exactly dignified behavior for one of my, ahem, mature years, but who cares? It was an ice cream truck!!

The funny thing is, Jed was not nearly as wowed as I was, both that day and all those summer days I waited for the truck to come down my road with money squeezed in my sweaty little hands. It's sad to see your children living in a different world than the one you grew up in, one in which the treats you longed for as a child are now passe.

I'll tell you another thing that's sad: three bucks for a stupid push-up! And a TIP JAR on an ice cream truck. What is this world coming to??

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