Saturday, November 06, 2010

Jed's Monster

Mrs. Smith gave us a set of Cuisenaire rods a while back. I appreciated her generosity, but I was at a loss to know what to do with them. And I was too embarrassed to ask her, seeing as how she has a math degree and probably plays with Cuisenaire rods in her sleep, while I had never even seen them before.

Suffice it to say that math genius, I am not.

So I had them out one day and was doing the only reasonable thing a, um, shall we say, challenged person can do in such a situation...I was looking for help on the internet.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Jed was using the Cuisenaire rods to practice his mad scientist skillz with the creation of...

Cuisenaire Man

Famous quotes from Cuisenaire Man:

You are my creator, but I am your master—obey!
Beware; for I am intelligent, and therefore powerful.
Don't bother to scream.

For the geniuses out there...which quote is not real? (no Googling!)
And Mrs. Smith - please excuse my dear Aunt Sally

1 comment:

Newton said...

HAHA! I love it! You do such a wonderful job teaching Jed to be a math genuis! PEMDAS is one of the most important things you could teach him!