Friday, November 19, 2010

His Indian Name is A Whiter Shade of Pale

I have a confession to make. Although I puffed up immensely at the success of Jed's Halloween costume, I really didn't have to do much to achieve that success.

I wasn't that lucky this time around.

We weren't planning to attend our homeschool group's Thanksgiving party today, but things changed on Wednesday and so Thursday afternoon found us at Goodwill trying to find the makings of a Native American outfit.

You can judge for yourself how successful I was with that.

Jed was positively scandalized that he was wearing a ladies' top. And his moccasins are several sizes too large which caused him to continually step out of them despite the multitude of cotton balls stuffed into the toes. He made the headdress himself, out of pipe cleaners and skeleton leaves cut to look like feathers (in a very stylistic sort of way), which he insisted on wearing low on his forehead so that it resembled a unibrow.

The real clincher, though, was the make-up. I'll admit I was a little concerned about how white he looked in that shirt, especially around the chest, but I wasn't going to do anything about it. No need to worry...while I was getting dressed so we could leave in a few minutes, he was busily painting his skin with magic marker. A good idea, no? No. It looked like a beaver had built a lodge on his face.

So, instead of being on time to the meeting, we were at home trying to blend together all the hash marks he had made, amidst semi-loud protests of the physical abuse being endured. Apparently the spreading around of magic marker is irritating to the skin. Who knew?

Thankfully he took more magic markers with him in the car and applied his war paint. This prevented anyone from mistaking his Native American skin color for the jaundice that it more closely resembled.

The saving grace in all this...adorable turkey cookies!

How cute is that??

1 comment:

Azlina Abdul said...

oh my goodness....that is so cute and so delicious looking too! :)