Thursday, November 04, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I'm sure you've all been tingling with curiosity to know how my garden {and I use that term loosely} fared this summer.


Perhaps you don't recall how modest things looked at the beginning.

If you do, you probably had no hope of us ever reaping the fruit of our labors. I know I didn't.

And to be honest, things stayed somewhat on the modest side through the entire growing season (all two weeks of it) (just kidding) (but only a little), but I'm genuinely pleased that the plants lived at all.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. :)

This might look like an odd angle in the picture, but it's actually accurate...the weight of the three tomatoes on the plant pulled it over.

Note to self: stake the plants next summer.

You might have noticed something missing...alas, the brussel sprouts didn't make it. And there are two people living under my roof who are still celebrating the day they heard that sad news.

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