Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Future of Art

I think I've found my niche.

I've always been intrigued with science, especially the hands-on kind. The problem is, I've never understood it very well.

Doing science experiments with Jed and the Smith boys has been fun for all of us. However, my fun always ended when it came time for the explanations. If Mrs. Smith wasn't around, I probably would have made something up and kept rolling. :)

I finally decided to stick to something I understand a little bit at least, and so I prepared an art lesson for this week.

Mind you, this was no "stay in the lines while you're coloring" kind of lesson. No sir. These kids got an introduction to fine art today, from the likes of Whistler and O'Keeffe. They tried different techniques for drawing water. They learned how to blend colors with pencils. They made collages, and we talked about composition, which was my favorite part.

This was way more fun than science! :)

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