Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020

Our yard isn't the only home for the booming mushroom industry.  
They're all over the neighborhood.  
This interesting specimen looks like two of the same type of mushroom, 
but the smaller one in the lower left corner is convex, 
where the larger one on top is concave.  
Maybe the larger one is older and this is part of the aging process?

The same mushrooms from a different angle...
the smaller one is covered up, 
and the tiny holly plant looks like leaves on the stem of a flower.  
Jed thought it looked like a rose...I think it looks more like a sunflower.  

This was my favorite, a little ways off from the others. 
This is another convex mushroom, 
with a little puffball off to the side.
From this angle it looks just like a turtle!

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