Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Rose by Any Other Name

I've lived in the Southeast, the Midwest, and now the Northeast parts of the US. Although there's only 1500 miles at most between these areas, it's funny how different the language can be in each. As you may well imagine, that is especially true here in the Northeast.

One of my favorite Maine colloquialisms is their penchant for calling grandparents "Grammy" and "Grampy." So when Brad told me he and Jenn were expecting, of course one of the first things I thought of was that Tracy was going to be Grampy Staley. I couldn't wait to tell him the good news! :)

One of my favorite things about Tracy is his quick wit, and he did not disappoint. When confronted with the dubious honor of this new moniker, he responded in his usual droll fashion with the request to be called Grumpy Staley instead.

And so, without further ado, I give you Grumpy Staley and Dycey Doodle:

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