Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10, 2020

Happy Purim, Y'all!
I've loved this Jewish holiday for years, 
ever since I did an in-depth study of the Old Testament book of Esther.
The Jews in Persia were under attack, and God delivered them
in a miraculous and intriguing way.
They celebrated that deliverance by sharing gifts of food with their neighbors,
and Jews continue to do that to this day.

One of the traditional foods Jews celebrate Purim with in modern times is hamantaschen,
a rolled and filled triangular cookie.
I've wanted to try making them for years but they've seemed so intimidating,
probably because there are so many articles online giving advice for making them.
I finally tried this year, and they turned out much better than I expected.
Not particularly pretty, but tasty.
I made half with a traditional poppyseed filling, and the other half with Nutella.

There's no butter in the dough, and I think that would be an improvement,
so I'll look for a different recipe next year.
And I'll get a rolling pin...a glass doesn't work quite as well.  :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Happy Purim to you!!!

I'm impressed with your Hamantaschen. They look delicious. I made some one year using those rolled up pie crusts from the refrigerator section. They turned out pretty good. I filled them with raspberry preserves and with apricot preserves. I didn't make any this year. I really don't like baking.

Enjoy your celebration!