Monday, April 25, 2011

Manifold Blessings

We had our little family Easter celebration yesterday morning before we left for church, reading Matthew's account of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and discovering our own tomb empty and the guards like dead men.

It would be hard to say which of those two things appeals more to a 7 year old boy. :)

When I walked in the door of our church building I was greeted with the exclamation, "There she is!" and I'm sure I was beaming from ear to ear as I expected the greeter was recalling my new Grandma status. I came prepared, ready to whip out my photo album (the one I had put together the night before for just such an occasion) at the merest hint of interest.

I was taken aback to discover my brother wasn't thinking of my new grandbaby at all, but was instead referring to me as the "birthday girl." I was even more surprised to discover that I was just a tad bit disappointed.

As one who has always loved birthdays and celebrating them (since, after all, it's the one day of the year that it's you and you alone who is being celebrated), I knew I had it bad if I was disappointed to be wished a happy birthday instead of congratulated on that beautiful new grandchild of mine.

I have a feeling life will never be the same. :)

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