Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016

He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!

This picture makes Jed look a lot skinnier than he actually is.  :)
Wish I could find some clothes or a pose that does that for me.  haha

As if celebrating Easter wasn't enough, Jed had his first piano recital today!
He started taking lessons in January so it's only been a couple of months 
but he did really well and wasn't even nervous.
I didn't get a picture of his piano teacher, which I regret because she is a sweetheart.
This picture was taken afterwards, while the adults were enjoying the refreshments,
one of the students was playing something for fun,
and the rest of the students were congregated around Jed, watching him play Minecraft on the iPad.
I would like to wish for a world without screens,
but then I wouldn't have this blog.  :)

Later that afternoon the kids next door brought over an Easter egg they made to thank us for yesterday's party!

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