Monday, May 23, 2011

I've Done Good, Haven't I?

While I've been trying to be discreet about the number of grandbaby pics posted here, I've been unashamedly mooning over them at home.

This little beauty sits right by my desk and I've glanced at these exquisite pictures dozens of times (if not hundreds) and lingered over them almost as many.

This beautiful frame was a birthday gift from our friends Lois and Jim. The pictures are from Charlotte photographer extraordinaire Cheyenne Schultz...I borrowed them from her blog temporarily until I receive originals to replace them. Cheyenne, if that's unethical please forgive me! It's honestly not a bribe for me to say that they're two of the best pictures I've ever seen...they are heartbreakingly precious to me.

And not to be outdone by mere copies,
my dear friends
is the
real deal.

Talk about heartbreakingly precious.


Monkey Mom said...

Ohmigosh! These (and he) are beautiful. What a wonderful boy you have there in Dyce. It must be even more precious to watch your son's son. I am SO happy for you. Thank you for sharing such a sweet baby with us!

Grace to You said...

I'll share pictures of him anytime you want! :D