Saturday, March 06, 2010

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again

We received the cutest thank you card from our friend Debbie in Ohio after Christmas.

Jed had sent her a moose ornament that he made, and she took a picture of it hanging on her tree and made a thank you card with it.

I liked the idea so much I made a couple of thank you cards for Jed like it.

Just as I was ready to pat myself on the back for my cleverness (regardless of how much the idea was borrowed - I have to grab my pats wherever I can), I had a sudden flash of memory (which occurs less and less frequently these days) that I had actually done something similar before.

I started looking through my photo files and found it.

Pretty cute, hunh?

I wasn't much into color or patterns back then, but when you have a baby that yummy, who needs it? :)

The disturbing part of all this is how completely I had forgotten that I had ever made this card, so as to think it was a completely new idea.

Getting old is certainly not helpful for the addle-brained.


Debbie said...

Hey Sandi...
Like they say...everything old is new again!

Thank you from Jay said...

These are pretty cute... can't get anymore personal than that you deserve the pats on the back...good work

Grace to You said...

Why, thank you! :)

Cool site, btw...bookmarked it for future reference.