Jed and I did a fun experiment for school today in his study of enzymes.
We cut up a fresh pineapple and pureed it in a food processor,
then we boiled Jell-O and divided it among these three mugs.
The orange mug held just Jell-O;
the light green mug held Jell-O and a tablespoon of the pureed pineapple;
the dark green mug held Jell-O and a tablespoon of the pureed pineapple
that had been cooked for five minutes.
All were placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
Can you guess the results?
Of course the Jell-O in the orange mug jelled just fine;
the Jell-O in the light green mug did not jell at all because of the enzymes present in the pineapple
(it was a watery soup);
the Jell-O in the dark green mug jelled just fine (and was mighty tasty with the fruit!)
because cooking the pineapple destroyed the enzymes that would have interfered with the jelling process.
Three cheers for edible science! :)