Friday, January 08, 2016

January 7, 2016 - Part 2

The highlight of the parade, and the main reason we went, was seeing the longhorn steers being herded through a downtown Denver street.  We had staked a claim in front of the red brick building in this picture and it was about 15 minutes to start time when a trailer pulled by a team of horses and carrying the mayor and city council pulled up right in front of us on our side of the street, followed by a black vehicle which I assume was security for the dignitaries.  We thought they would lead the parade but they didn't, and unfortunately they were still there when the steer came through, blocking our view...the pictures I took only showed the tops of their horns.  :)  I borrowed this picture from because I wanted you all to see the best part of the parade, even if we didn't.  haha

 These black horses were magnificent.

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