It was Tracy's car's turn for an oil change and inspection today.
The oil change place was even more awesome today than they were yesterday!
Tracy bought this car a couple of years ago, in Colorado,
and has never liked the tinting on the front windows.
It was hard to see out of, especially at night.
Well, it turns out, tinting on the front windows is illegal in North Carolina.
The guy who told me the car wouldn't pass inspection because of it
recommended a place nearby that would remove the tinting.
I tried to call them but they weren't open yet.
I was the only customer at the oil change place
and the most amazing thing happened...
the guy offered to take the tinting off himself
so the car would pass inspection and
I wouldn't have to take the car somewhere else
and then come back for the inspection.
He warned me, though, that there would be lots of glue left on the windows.
I told him we have Goo Gone and a straight edge and we'd be fine.
Well, we have Goo Gone, but we don't have a straight edge.
I must have discarded it when we moved last summer.
I think the blade had rusted, if I remember correctly.
We did all the same cleaning on this car that we did on the other one yesterday,
but almost double that amount of time was consumed trying to remove the glue
that covered both front windows.
It was exhausting.
But it was worth it for the one Hershey's Nugget Tracy gave me tonight.
(I took this picture because before,
you wouldn't have been able to see Jed at all
through the tint on the driver's side window.)