Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

Mom and Dad have been visiting with us for the last week and a half, and I've taken to the opportunity to be a slacker like a gull takes to the wind.

However, it's the beginning of a new year, and I've resolved to post to this blog every day for the next 364 days.

If that news doesn't get you excited I don't know what would. :)

This is Mom and Dad's first visit with us since we moved back in the spring, and it's been fun showing them around our new area. That is, when we weren't wrapping presents and cooking and baking and eating everything under the sun and whupping each other in games. Oh, and hunkering down for our first BLIZZARD (more on that later). Our galavanting this New Year's day took us to Camden on the coastal highway (which runs from Fort Kent, ME all the way to Key West, FL), then up Hwy 52 a few short miles to one of the loveliest spots we've seen in Maine.

You come around a corner and suddenly there's this incredible view of the Camden Hills on your right...

...and Megunticook Lake on your left, dotted with islands.

Not a bad way to start a new year.

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