Friday, November 05, 2010

All Things Bright and Beautiful

I started reading Design Mom a while back and was immediately hooked. However, occasionally I was a little put off by the uber-expensive things I found featured there.

I might have even left a comment to that effect.
If so, it was only after someone else was brave enough to comment on the issue.

Design Mom addressed this issue in an eloquent and elegant way. Since I can't find the original post, I'll have to paraphrase her by saying she posts beautiful things on her blog, not as an encouragement to indulge but simply because she likes knowing there are beautiful things in this world.

I love that!

It reminded me of the absolutely stunning art journal of my artist friend Kitten, into which goes pictures from catalogs and magazines of things she finds particularly beautiful or inspiring. So now, all those catalog clippings I've saved depicting achingly exquisite but painfully expensive items don't have to be a source of frustrated desire anymore. I can have them my new art journal.

In that vein, I want to share with you one of the first clippings going in my journal...this gorgeous leaf lamp. It's sold by Cinnabar Online if you have the urge to splurge. Me? I'm happy just looking at the picture.

And I have an idea that looking through my journal will be more exciting to me than any pleasure I would have gained from owning something in it.

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